Lasampung and Sasumpuan Island

Hello September,

Udah pernah nonton film 5cm kan? Tau donk gimana indahnya Gunung Bromo dan pemandangan pemandangan gunung-gunung lain di sekitarnya? Yap, abis nonton pilem itu semua bakal makin setuju deh kalo dibilang bahwa: Indonesia is definitely beautiful. Dan kejaiban alam di Indonesia gak hanya Gunung Bromo aja. Ada ratusan gunung lain dengan inner beauty nya masing-masing. Walaupun kadang gunung-gunung itu udah terendam oleh air sejak ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun lampau akibat permukaan laut yang terus naik, buat saya sebuah pulau dan gugusan karangnya tetap merupakan sebuah gunung yang mencuat dari dasar laut. Maksa yah =p hehehe. Biarin. Tapi emang betul kok, kalo titik acuannya adalah dari dasar laut instead of above sea water level, maka Mount Everest pun harus rela tergusur dari daftar gunung yg tertinggi di dunia secara telah banyak ahli geologi yang menemukan bahwa banyak gunung lain yang lebih tinggi.

Singkat cerita kemarin kami ngebolang ke Pulau Sasumpuan. Perjalanan dengan ketinting selama 3 jam dari desa Uso Batui jadi ga kerasa setelah tiba di lokasi snorkeling. Bau asep mesin diesel yang nempel di baju campur peliket garam tambah sengatan matahari seolah sirna berganti harumnya pantai pasir putih dan ombak.

Lasampung and Sasumpuan Island

Lasampung and Sasumpuan Island. Not so familiar yet among tourists. Approximately 3 hours (by boat or “gethek”) to reach this precious germ of Central Sulawesi.

blue sea star
blue sea star

This is what we call with : Hidden Paradise of Batui, Central Sulawesi Indonesia.

Brain Coral
Brain Coral

The water is very clear. I saw a black-white stripped snake around those Brain Coral

Jelly fish
Jelly fish
blue fish in his coral nest
Big blue fish in his coral nest. Things that I can only see in Discovery or National Geographic Channel before. Subhanallah
sea urchin
I don’t know what it is.
we had a good time snorkelling when the wind did not blow at all
We had a good time snorkeling when the wind did not blow at all. Thus the water level is relatively low.

See? Even from above water you could see the coral and blue fishes. Absolutely Amazing

Actually, flying and swimming is the same: moving inside a fluid; wether it is air or water hehe. BTW, I really do love this snorkeling experiences
Actually, flying and swimming is the same: moving inside a fluid; whether it is inside air or water hehe. BTW, I really do love this snorkeling spot.
Travelling to an inhabitant island make us packed with fresh fishes and instant Noodle (Indomie) that cooked and roasted at the beach.
Traveling to an inhabitant island make us have to be ready and well prepared, especially for meal. That’s why, we packed with fresh fishes and instant Noodle (Indomie) that will be cooked and roasted at the beach for lunch.

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